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In collaborazione con GAREX agenzia di sottoscrizione specializzata nella dei Rischi marittimi di Guerra e assimilati. Offriamo una polizza garantita dalle principali compagnie del mercato dell’ assicurazione Corpi. Capacità d’assunzione più importanti del mercato (200.000.000 Euro). Offriamo copertura assicurativa per i seguenti rischi:

  1. Guerra.

  2. Guerra Civile.

  3. Cattura, sequestro arresto o detenzione.

  4. Pirateria di natura politica o in connessione alla guerra.

  5. Scioperi, Tumulti e Sommosse Popolari.

  6. Relitti, mine subacquee, bombe o altri residuati bellici.

  7. Sabotaggio e terrorismo, “Attentati”.

  8. Atti dolosi o vandalici.

  9. Confisca.

  10. Espropriazione.

  11. Nazionalizzazione.

  12. Destituzione.

Termini e condizioni:

  • Clausole del Mercato inglese
  • Clausole del Mercato francese
  • American Institute Hull and Cargo War Risks
  • Principali clausole del mercato internazionale.

Si applica a:

  • Navi
  • Merci (Waterborne o Airborne) 
  • Beni mobili (inclusa copertura “a terra”).

Zone Escluse: WC Hull War, Piracy, Terrorism and Related Perils Listed Areas

Cabo Delgado, waters as defined overleaf
Eritrea, but only South of 15° N
Gulf of Guinea, waters as defined overleaf
Indian Ocean , Gulf of Aden and Southern Red Sea
Water as defined overleaf

Middle East
Iraq, including all Iraqi offshore oil terminals
Oman (Musandam Governorate)
Persian or Arabian Gulf and adjacent waters as defined overleaf
Saudi Arabia (Gulf coast)
Saudi Arabia (Red Sea coast) excluding transits
United Arab Emirates
South America
Venezuela, including all offshore installations in the Venezuelan EEZ

Cabo Delgado

The waters within 50 nautical miles of Mozambique and Tanzania enclosed by the following boundaries:

  1. To the north, from Mnazi Bay at 10°19.6’S, 40°18.9’E to high seas point at 9°50.7’S, 41°7.6’E.
  2. To the south, from Baía do Lúrio at 13°30’S, 40°31.6’E to high seas point 13°30’S, 41°28.8’E.

Gulf of Guinea

The waters enclosed by the following boundaries:

  1. On the west, from the coast of Togo 6° 06′ 45′′ N, 1°12′E, south to
  2. high seas point 0° 40′ S, 3° 00′ E
  3. and then east to Cape Lopez Peninsula, Gabon 0°40′S, 8° 42′E.

Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden and Southern Red Sea

The waters enclosed by the following boundaries:

  1. On the north-west, by the Red Sea, south of Latitude 15° N
  2. on the northeast, from the Yemen border at 16°38.5’N, 53°6.5’E to high seas point 14°55’N, 53°50’E
  3. on the east, by a line from high seas point 14°55’N, 53°50’E to high seas point 10°48’N, 60°15’E, thence to high seas point 6°45’S, 48°45’E
  4. and on the southwest, by the Somalia border at 1°40’S, 41°34’E, to high seas point 6°45’S, 48°45’E

excepting coastal waters of adjoining territories up to 12 nautical miles offshore unless otherwise provided.

Persian or Arabian Gulf

Persian or Arabian Gulf and adjacent waters including the Gulf of Oman and waters west of the line from Oman’s territorial limit off Cape al-Ḥadd at 22°42.5’N, 59°54.5’E northeast to the Iran-Pakistan border at 25°10.5’N, 61°37.5’E

excepting coastal waters of adjoining territories up to 12 nautical miles offshore unless otherwise provided.


  • Named Countries shall include their coastal waters up to 12 nautical miles offshore, unless specifically varied above
  • Named Ports shall include all facilities/terminals within areas controlled by the relevant port authority/ies (or as may be more precisely defined by Insurers) including offshore terminals/facilities, and all waters within 12 nautical miles of such but not exceeding 12 nautical miles offshore unless specifically stated.